Heavy Metal FREE BLUE color
1、Pure Blue
• PLQY: 70 ± 5 % *
• Typical cleanliness: >80% of residual mass at 550°C #
• Ionization potential: ~5.4 eV
2、Deep Blue
3、Customizing Solution
Our Quantum dots can be delivered in various solvents:
✓ Polar solvents
✓ Nonpolar solvents (eg. Toluene, Hexane, Octan)
✓ Monomers (e.g. HDDA, IBOA, PGMEA)
✓ In resist form (or as UV curable ink)
✓ In ink form (eg. Ethylene Glycol)
✓ In powder form
✓ PureBlue.dots can be deliverd in various concentrations – as small as 1% wt. to as high as 30% wt.or more in some cases
✓ PureBlue.dots can be delivered with various ligands (short, long)✓